"Dedicated, experienced & reliable staffing solutions"
Do you need Temporary care staff: Registered Nurses, Healthcare Assistants, or Support Workers?
Are you a Healthcare Organisation looking for reliable temporary care staff, but don’t know where to begin?
Temal Healthcare Agency coordinates with you as your Care Agency partner to find the perfect candidates from our pool of talented healthcare professionals.
We help you find the best candidates for your organisation on time and within budget, enabling you to meet your service users care needs without a glitch.
Our track record of finding experienced, qualified staff with excellent references is unmatched in the industry.
We focus on providing temporary nursing and care staffing solutions to hospitals; nursing homes; secure units; residential homes; step down units etc with a concern on cost; efficiency and quality.
We aim to provide 24-hour service as a contribution towards easing the staffing problems, while being recognized as a leader in quality, being patient-centred and cost-effective health care agency.
Our team will be dedicated:
To Cherish and protect the independence and dignity of patients by always providing unsurpassed care, service and respect.
To always maintain the highest standards possible for your clients.
To always strive to deliver reliable, world –class services.
To improve our services and develop new services tailored to the needs of our clients and the market we serve.
To provide outstanding customer service through our collaborative partnership with facilities we serve.
To be recognised as a dynamic, well established care agency of choice.
We offer competitive rates and guaranteed expertise to our clients through the supply of experienced and reliable temporary care staff.
We provide 24-hour cover to:
Medium secure hospitals.
Low secure hospitals.
Nursing homes.
Step down units.
Residential homes.
Supported living.
At Temal Healthcare Agency we believe and have invested in our training service to equip our staff with the highest quality training.
Compliments to our PMVA instructors, our staff receive training in PMVA Physical Intervention and Conflict Management. PMVA is not only BILD accredited (British Institute of Learning Disability) but also holds highly coveted City & Guilds award. PMVA is used widely in secure units and the 4 day training course allows our staff to be shown the correct way to restrain patients/service users if needed, and also how to do it in a manner which will keep themselves and patients free from harm.
Training available to our staff includes:
Basic life support
Health & safety
Fire Awareness
Food hygiene
First aid
Medication management
Moving & handling
Infection control
Mental Health Act (1983)
Mental Capacity Act (2005)
Dementia awareness
Personality Disorder awareness
Autism awareness
Learning Disability awareness
Caldicott principles of record keeping
Equality and diversity
Nutrition and
malnutrition in older people
Quality Assurance
Temal Healthcare Agency has comprehensive internal quality assurance systems which are continually reviewed and monitored to ensure we offer a service that is not only highly dependable, but also ensures that the wellbeing of our clients is our main priority.
We offer a stringent recruitment procedure to ensure we supply the highest quality staff compliant with CQC (Care Quality Commission) and CSSIW (Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales).
We ensure that our nurses, care assistants and support workers have relevant qualifications, experience, and have professional registration necessary for the service they will provide and undertake rigorous compliance procedures including:
Enhanced DBS checks.
Checks against POVA, POVC & SOVA.
Two appropriate references, one which must be the last or current employer.
Fully working history.
Submission of complete immunisation records.
Annual checks with relevant registration bodies to ensure fitness to practice.
Immigration status checks.
Our staff receive regular clinical supervision as part of the wider health & social care agenda concerning quality, accountability, and efficacy of practice. Clinical supervision provides a support system for staff to ensure the provision of high-quality service through the evaluation of practice and is one method of supporting clinical governance agenda. In addition, our staff receive annual appraisal which is valuable to the CPD (Continuous Professional Development) activity.